Toccata (2013)
for Bassoon and Piano
Toccata for Bassoon and Piano (2013) took the tradition of Toccata for keyboard from Baroque period. The conversation between voices was built upon a free form composition with lots of running 16th notes and contrapuntal writings. The repetitive but irregular rhythmic pattern and improvisational musical ideas bring out the musical drama to its climax. This composition was written with the support of Taiwan National Culture and Arts Foundation.
為低音管及鋼琴二重奏所創作的觸技曲延續巴洛克時期鍵盤樂器觸技曲的傳統: 運用自由曲式, 絢麗的十六分音符, 聲部間的對位法, 以及強烈的戲劇性呈現演奏者的高度技巧以及聲部間的對話。作曲者運用不規則但反覆性的節奏帶出音樂的張力, 以近乎即興方式串聯不同的音樂構思及動機, 進而將整曲推至最終的高潮。
Toccata was transcribed for Tenor Trombone & Piano in 2015.
5 minutes
Commissioned by
I-Hsiu Chen, Bassoonist